Personal Agenda Freedom
Want freedom from tyranny of big government? Only place with a plan.

What Makes Personal Agenda Different?
Personal Agenda’s plan is far different than anything else out there. We are not promoting a party, political candidates or any method of government control over your life in any way. You were meant to live as a free and sovereign individual, accountable to no one but your Creator. You don’t need overlords, nannies, elite power mongers, politicians, or anyone else lording over you and collecting from your labor.
God created all people equal, meaning equal protection of our unalienable rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness the way the sovereign individual sees fit. Protected by legitimate government that is chained and shackled from all other power monger pursuits, other than to protect our God given rights.

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Join with like mined individuals in a 45 minute training meeting, along with discussion. If discussing is not your thing, listen into others as they discuss the issues in your local area and how the action plans at Personal Agenda will actually solve those challenges without using voting, courts, or plain ol’ reliance on a politician. Look at history to see none of that has worked well to date. We still live in a system of tyranny around the world. We cannot win our freedom back while trying to do so within the broken political arena Its designed to keep us all in a slave state forever. We have a plan that will work to change that like none other. Come see the difference and you’ll be glad you did! Don’t delay and join today by hitting the join meetings below button.

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Personal Agenda free podcasts can be listened to while you're doing other things and freely shared with friends and family to join the action. Great way to introduce others to the PA Freedom movement. Subscribe today on your favorite platform at either Apple Podcast, SoundCloud or Spotify. Or listen to them right here by clicking on any listed podcasts..

News Of Hope
Get the latest News of Hope from Personal Agenda at no cost. Please share this far and wide! What’s happening in our world this month?

“Current day system cultural Marxism - culture, society, environment, and all these [deceitful] “wonderful things” they call cultural Marxism, but all of its the same thing. They’re authoritarian and they can only be operated at the expense of liberty. That’s why we come out strong against what’s going on in the country today under the name of social justice.”
— Quote Source Ron Paul
When the American Constitution was drafted in the summer of 1787, it was a process acknowledging a covenant that was consistent with the pattern set by Gods dealings with ancient Israel and the Law of Moses. “Important to the development of American constitutionalism were the organization of the church by covenant and the belief in the covenant origins of civil government.” The principles of popular sovereignty and limited governmental authority were understood by even the common people of the period and were derived directly from covenant theology. Chief among these principles was that people were to be governed by natural or common law and not the will of other people.
— Quote Source News Of Hope
Quotes of the month…
"The way to defeat all these “isms” once and for all is to invoke the Original 10 Amendment Constitution. It alone will defeat all the power brokers as it once did back in the revolution of 1776, which created the most prosperous nation on earth.”
— Quote Source Personal Agenda
“Government Based On The Original Constitution - Now and Forever!”
“Bad ideas like Marxism, like facism, they’re like viruses, you think you defeat them and then they mutate, then have to defeat them again. That’s the way it is, when we push back for a while, it will all come back again under a different name, but it will be the same thing with a different wrapper.”
“People are not treated as individuals but as groups and everybody has their own interest or cause and could be in multiple groups where you’re the oppressed on one hand and the oppressor on the other. Which one are you? It’s very illogical, but the whole thing is about power. The battle is to become the class or group of people that gains control of the state [government], of the levers in power. Then get privileges for yourself; forcing privileges for yourself. Most people want nothing to do with this behavior. It turns society into a very inharmonious people. It should be we are equal individuals under the law.”
— Quote Source Chris Rosinni