Why are governments around the world trying to take away my free agency, under their deceptive banner of protection? How can I truly be free and happy as a sovereign individual? What must we do to achieve lasting peace and harmony in our world? Realize the answers are achievable as governments around the world are chained and shackled within the proper role of government. The dawning of a new age of peace and prosperity for all people everywhere.
A marvelous document for the ages, originally designed by people whom were searching from freedom in the new world of America. Fleeing government tyranny to bless the lives of their families and themselves with a dawning of a new age of hope. Help us in restoring that hope around the world
Achieving lasting political change can become a reality for a new golden age of peace and prosperity. Wars, turmoil, strife, poverty and control will be done away. Lasting change happens with limited government operating within the confines of a small organization, designed only to protect our God given rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness the way our God wants to bless us.